Metal Gear tech profiles-Cybernetic arm

Ocelot: Here Snake, try this on.

Venom Snake: A prosthetic arm?

Ocelot: Miller was calling it “the arm that wasn’t there.” The physiotherapy is going well. Your arm’s bulked up for it to fit. There. Perfect. A little time with it and it’ll work better than the real thing. What do you think?

Venom Snake: I can still feel my real arm.

Ocelot: Well, you’d better get used to this one quick. You have any pain?

Venom Snake: Every now and then…

Ocelot: Where?

Venom Snake: …My fingertips. My left fingertips.

Ocelot: Sounds like phantom pain. Your brain remembers your old hand.



The first Cybernetic arm in the Metal Gear series is used by Vladimir Zardonov in Peace Walker. It features articulated digits…

Image result for Metal gear cyborg arm Zadornov

but also a lighter (used by Big Boss after defeating Zadarnov and Paz)

and a detachable rocket function (Which Zadarnov attempts to kill Big Boss with, but he misses) :


When Venom Snake-formerly an MSF medic-was caught in the helicopter blast during the destruction of MSF, his arm was blown off, among other injuries and a nine year coma. Although initially given a hook prosthesis, once he escaped the hospital in Cyprus with the help of “Ishmael” (The real Big Boss) and Ocelot, he was eventually given a cybernetic arm after rebuilding his muscles, which would give him a boost with CQC.



After rescuing Kaz (Who had also suffered similar injuries, but decline a prosthesis because he needed to feel the pain of losing his comrades)  and the Soviet scientist who developed the arm, the cyborg arm was upgraded with many other abilities to help Venom Snake in the field. The “Rocket Punch” where it would temporarily detach via rockets, which could be used to stun or kill enemies (If given the “Blast arm” enhancement)-similar to what Zardarnov attempted….

Image result for Rocket punch Metal gear

The “Stun arm” Capable of shocking opponents:


Image result for Metal gear stun arm

and the “Hand of Jehuty” with electronic Wisp functions (and similar to another game of Kojima’s) “Zone of the Enders”.

Image result for Hand of jehuty wisp

Image result for Jehuty

It addition, the arm was able to use a sort of ground sonar when Snake punched the ground in order to uncover the locations of nearby enemies.


Image result for Venom snake punches mirror

The Arm-mainly in his color red-and Venom Snake’s shrapnal ‘horn’ were the most distinct features that distinquished Venom Snake from the real Big Boss (Who kept his body intact-minus of course his distinctive eye injury-up until Zanzibar Land).

Image result for Big boss eyepatch phantom pain

When battling Solid Snake at Outer Heaven-posing as the ‘real’ Big Boss, Venom Snake did not seem to use his arm against Solid Snake-opting instead for a gun. It’s unclear whether this was to further deceive Solid Snake, he had the arm covered or replaced, or it didn’t work anymore (The real reason of course, was that the revelation that Venom Snake was the Big Boss encountered in Outer Heaven wasn’t revealed until the release of Metal Gear Solid V).

Image result for Big boss MSX


It’s been suggested by some, that due to Hideo Kojima and JJ Abrams being friends., that the reason C-3PO of “Star Wars” has a red arm in “The Force Awakens” is because it’s a bit of a tip of a hat to his fellow creator…..

Image result for Abrams Kojima

Image result for C-3PO red arm

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